What Should a 24-month-old be Able to Say? Communication Milestones for Toddlers: 19 to 24 Months.

Discover the key communication milestones for toddlers aged 19 to 24 months

What Should a 24-month-old be Able to Say? Communication Milestones for Toddlers: 19 to 24 Months.

What should a 24-month-old be able to say? Communication Milestones for Toddlers: 19 to 24 Months.

Watching a toddler develop communication skills is a fascinating journey for any parent or caregiver. As we explore the critical milestones for 19 to 24-month-olds, remember that each child's development is unique. During this period, your toddler will start forming a foundation for language and speech that sets the stage for future growth. Let's delve into what you should expect and how you can assist in this exciting phase of development.

What Communication Skills Should Toddlers Develop by 24 Months?

By 19 to 24 months, toddlers make significant strides in communication. Here’s what they typically accomplish during this stage:

  • Expanding Vocabulary: Your child should use at least 50 words, including names for food, toys, and body parts. Pronunciation may still be developing, so 'du' might mean "shoe," and 'dah' could refer to a "dog."
  • Combining Words: Expect two-word phrases like "more juice" or "go park," which demonstrate an understanding of language structure.
  • Following Instructions: Toddlers should be able to follow two-step directions, such as “Pick up the toy and give it to mommy.”
  • Personal Pronouns: Usage of personal pronouns like ‘me,’ ‘mine,’ and ‘you’ starts to appear.
  • Requesting Assistance: They learn to use language to ask for help with phrases like “Help please” or “Open door.”
  • Understanding Ownership: Expressions of possession like "Daddy's shoes" become part of their speech.

How Can You Support Your Toddler's Communication Skills?

  • Sound Play: Make a game out of listening to household sounds and imitating them together. This could be as simple as ticking with the clock or mimicking animal noises.
  • Bath Time Learning: Use bath time to play with sounds while popping soap bubbles, enhancing their auditory discrimination and production.
  • Narrate Daily Activities: Talk through the actions you perform and describe what you see and do. This continuous exposure to language nurtures their understanding and speech.
  • Practice Directions: Give simple two-step instructions that encourage your toddler to think and act sequentially.
  • Expand on Speech: Build on single words your toddler uses. If they say "car," respond with "Yes, a shiny red car!"
  • Story Time: Reading to your child is invaluable. Choose books with large, colorful pictures and limited text to maintain engagement and encourage interaction.
  • Interactive Naming: Ask your toddler to point to objects and name them. Be patient, and they will begin to participate actively over time.
  • Multilingual Exposure: If your home uses more than one language, speak to your child in all languages you're comfortable with. Multilingualism does not hinder speech development; it enriches it.


Tracking and encouraging these communication milestones from 19 to 24 months is crucial in your child’s development. If there are concerns or your child seems to be significantly behind in these milestones, consulting an ASHA-certified speech-language pathologist can provide guidance and support. Remember, every child's journey to becoming a communicator is unique; celebrate the small steps and provide a nurturing environment for them to flourish.

For more detailed information on communication milestones and how to support your child's speech and language development, visit the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's Communication Milestones: 19 to 24 Months page.